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The Power of Birst Spaces and Networked BI
The Power of Birst Spaces and Networked BI
What is a Space?
How to Create a Space
Automatic, Discovery, and Advanced Spaces
What Spaces let Your Organization Do
2-Tier Architecture
Centralized & Decentralized BI
Networked BI
Uploading & Connecting to Data in Birst
Uploading & Connecting to Data in Birst
Manually Uploading Data
- What file types can be manually uploaded?
- How to manually upload data
Automatically Uploading Data
- What types of data can be automatically uploaded?
What is Birst Connect?
What is Live Access?
Using Birst Connect to Upload RDBMS Tables
Using Birst Connect to Upload RDBMS Tables
Creating a Unified Data Model
Automated Data Refinement (ADR)
Creating a User-Ready Data Warehouse
Behind the Scenes Look at Your Unified Data Model
Behind-the-Scenes Look at Your Unified Data Model
Modifying Your Unified Data Model
Process Your Data
Populate your User-Ready Data Warehouse with Data
Using Birst Connect "Live Access"
Using Birst Connect "Live Access"
Connect to on-premises data sources behind your firewall using a
Live Access "Listening Agent" for real-time on-demand data access
Using Extractors
Using Extractors and Application Connectors to Access Cloud-Based Data Sources
How to Create a New Dashboard
How to Create a New Dashboard in Birst
What are "Collections?"
Add KPIs and other Dashboard components (Dashlets)
Add Conditional Formatting
Create and Add a New Report using Visualizer
Measures and Attributes
Using Expression Builder
Add an Existing Report to Your Dashboard
Designer Overview
Using Birst Dashboards
Using Birst Dashboards
Example: Sales & Marketing Analytics
Spaces, Collections, and Dashboards
What is Value-Based Design (VBD)?
Dashboard Navigation
Using Filters and Drilldown
Linking Dashboards
Visualizer and Designer
Birst 6 Demo - Part 1
Birst 6 Demo - Part 1 - Using and Building Birst Dashboards
Using Birst Dashboards
Building Birst Dashboards
Value-Based Design (VBD)
Importing Excel Data INTO Birst
Overview of Birst Admin, Data Model, and
Automated Data Refinement (ADR)
Birst 6 Demo - Part 2 - The Power of Pronto
Birst 6 Demo - Part 2 - The Power of Pronto
What is Pronto?
How Pronto Empowers Business Users
A Modern Data Discovery Architecture
Creativity and Collaboration
Connecting to Your Data with Pronto
Preparing Your Data with Pronto
Relating Your Data with Pronto
Data Exploration and Discovery
Birst 6 Demo - Part 3 - Power User & Admin Experience
Birst 6 Demo - Part 3 - Power User & Admin Experience
Power User & Admin Experience
Creating and Using Spaces
Connecting to, Modeling, and Processing Data
What is Networked BI?
Leveraging Networked BI Resources
Creating Dashboards
Data Discovery Using Visualizer
Infor + Birst: Better Together
Infor + Birst: Better Together
Birst is now an Infor company
Using Birst with Infor Application Data
The Value of a Unified, Seamless Analytic Fabric
What is Networked BI?
Yosemite Analytics
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